Mapping quantitative trait loci: Optimum strategy, project management, experimental design and analysis, support in patenting issues.

Estimating genetic parameters and genetic evaluation:
Developing & implementing appropriate methodology using whole genome data, large-scale phenotyping in large populations. Combining pedigree, phenotypic and genoytpic (SNP) information.

Analysis of sequence data and DNA arrays, experimental design for optimum use of these new technologies.

Novel biotechnologies: Evaluating and implementing new reproductive technologies, information about single genes and markers into established breeding schemes, marker assisted selection and marker assisted shoe-genome evaluation.

Statistical modelling and data analysis: Experimental design/power calculation, linear and non-linear models using frequentist and Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo approaches.

Product tracing, quality management and quality control: Benchmarking and monitoring by means of genetic parameters.

International collaboration between science and industry: International contacts and partners, access to international (EU) research and technical development (RTD) projects. Support in applying for (Swiss, EU) research grants.